ICSTCC 2024 welcomes papers on (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Adaptive and robust control
- Aerospace systems
- Agents-based systems
- Algebraic/geometric methods
- Automata/Discrete-event systems
- Automotive control
- Autonomous systems
- Biologically inspired systems
- Boolean control networks and logic networks
- Chemical process control
- Cloud computing
- Communication networks
- Compartmental and Positive systems
- Computational methods
- Computer graphics
- Computer vision
- Constrained control
- Control applications
- Control over communications
- Cooperative control
- Cyber security
- Data-driven control
- Databases management systems
- Decentralized/distributed control
- Delay systems
- Differential-algebraic systems
- Distributed systems
- Embedded systems
- Energy/Power systems
- Engineering education
- Estimation/Filtering
- Evolutionary electronics
- Extremum seeking
- Fault detection/identification
- Fault tolerant systems
- Feedback linearization
- Fuzzy systems/logic
- Game theory
- Hierarchical/supervisory control
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Hybrid/Switched systems
- Identification
- Information systems applications
- Information theory and control
- Instrumentation
- Intelligent systems
- Internet of Things
- Iterative learning control
- Kalman filtering
- Large-scale systems
- Linear parameter-varying systems
- Linear systems
- LMIs
- Lyapunov methods
- Machine learning
- Manufacturing systems and automation
- Markov processes
- Mean field games
- Mechatronics
- Model/Controller reduction
- Network analysis and control
- Neural networks
- Nonholonomic systems
- Nonlinear output feedback
- Nonlinear systems identification
- Numerical algorithms
- Observers
- Optimal control and optimization
- Petri nets
- PID control
- Power electronics/generation
- Predictive control
- Process Control
- Quantized systems
- Quantum information and control
- Randomized algorithms
- Robotics
- Sampled-data control
- Sensor networks
- Signal processing
- Smart cities/houses/grids
- Software methods and tools
- Stability of linear systems
- Stability of nonlinear/hybrid systems
- Statistical learning
- Stochastic systems
- Subspace methods
- Traffic control
- Ubiquitous and mobile computing
- Uncertain systems
- Variable-structure/sliding-mode control
- Variational methods
- Web services and applications